I was sitting in class today when my phone started
vibrating. I figured it was just one of my friends trying to get me in trouble,
so I waited until the bell rang before I checked my phone. What I saw made me
start laughing out loud, and I got a few curious stares. It wasn't a friend trying to get me in trouble; it was my mom!
Cathleen recently got a kitten from my neighbor as a
graduation gift to herself. He is an adorable black kitten with huge ears and an even bigger
personality. We like to call him Radar because his ears are so prominent. If he was a boy, he'd probably be picked on. But he's a special little kitten. The best part is the fact that he has NO FEAR whatsoever (except
for the vacuum. He hates the vacuum).
So while Cathleen and my mom were painting, Mo was going after Oscar.

Now this is a five pound kitten versus a one-hundred pound dog! Thankfully Oscar, being the gentle giant that he is, didn’t go after Mo even though he had his claws out. Poor Oscar’s probably all scratched up, but he dealt with it and was a good spirit. This isn’t the first time that Mo has gone after Oscar, too. Poor dog doesn’t have a chance against the spitfire.
Pound for pound, the cat always wins.
Do you have a funny kitten against dog story? If so, let me know!